Fast help for your eyes.

Serious eye diseases often announce themselves not. You should therefore make use of regular checkups.

Make an appointment

We take care

From prevention, to diagnostics and therapies of vision problems or eye disease, we take care of your eyesight.

Good for the young and the old

Prevention check ups, diagnostics and therapies for patients from infancy to senior age.

Specialist consulting hours

Take more than 44 years combined experience in the field of ophthalmology. Schedule an appointment.

Close to Frankfurt Airport

Centrally located in the beautiful City of Lauterbach, we are easy-to-reach. Our surgery is located opposite the Town Hall.


At the Sehschule we preventively examine children primarily in infancy and early childhood.


If it comes to violations of the eye by foreign bodies or even chemical burns with acids, alkalis or adhesives, quick action is required.



We offer surgery hours by appointment during the week from 7:30am until 11am, on Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays in the afternoon from 2pm until 4:30pm also.

  • Mo: 7:30am - 11am + 2pm - 4:30pm
  • Di: 7:30am - 11am + 2pm - 4:30pm
  • Mi: 7:30am - 11am
  • Do: 7:30am - 11am + 2pm - 4:30pm
  • Fr: 7:30am - 11am
  • Sa: closed
  • So: closed

For appointments please call:

Your eye specialist in Germany.

Specialists for Ophthalmology
General Ophthalmology

As Specialists in ophthalmology we deal with diseases and malfunctions of the eye and the peripheral organs. Among the peripheral organs including the eyelids and facial skin and the eye socket. We are working closely with otolaryngologists, dermatologists and neurologists. With ophthalmologic findings, we support the internal medicine at the diagnosis.

Cataract Surgery

The cataract (cataract) is a clouding of the eye lens. The cause of cataract is often unknown. A common symptom is the slow and painless loss of vision. Patients tell of blurry, as seen through a mist. Many Patienen are increasingly sensitive to light. The cataract can often develop as a „senile cataract“ in a few month.

With more than 650,000 operation cataract operations are the most frequently performed surgical procedures in Germany. In the vast majority of cases, cataract surgery is performed under local anesthesia. After cataract surgery, the operated eye is covered with a bandage.

With no complications the bandage may already be removed for a short time on the following day. After cataract surgery patients often report that they perceive colors more intense and everything appears clearly brighter in total than before surgery.

Plastic and cosmetic eyelid surgery

Indeed, the eyes take up most of the performance of our counterparts. With drooping eyelids or eye bags we are perceived differently.

The plastic and cosmetic eyelid surgery needs experience and intuition to obtain an aesthetical, natural feeling. In the so-called blepharoplasty eyelid skin and the underlying histoid layers are tightened and excess histoid is removed.

With plastic and cosmetic eyelid surgery you win back your healthy personality.

Glaucoma surgery

Glaucoma (Glaucoma) describes a number of eye diseases of different causes. Glaucoma results in the loss of nerve fibers. In extreme cases, glaucoma leads to blindness of the eye. Typical signs of glaucoma is a visual defect in which the field is concentrated outside. There are also visual disturbances possible in view of the center. If untreated, glaucoma can lead to blindness.

A mismatch between intraocular pressure and blood flow to the optic nerve may contribute to the development of glaucoma. The combination of low blood pressure and high intraocular pressure is particularly unfavorable to the disease process.

Vitreoretinal Surgery

In the retina surgery and vitreous surgery all eye disorders concerning the retina and the vitreous body are treated. The retina surgery and vitreous surgery are considered summarized as retinal operations are usually carried out by the vitreous.

In particular, retinal detachment, arterial and venous occlusions, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), retinal changes in diabetes and retinopathy of prematurity are typical eye diseases that are treated with the Vitreoretinal Surgery.

Children ophthalmology

Especially in children an ophthalmological screening is important. 60 percent of poor eyesight in children are detected too late. More than 90 percent of the senses that your child needs for its normal development, reach the brain through the eye. If visual disturbances will not be detected in the early childhood, valuable time is lost for an undisturbed development of the senses. With a timely treatment a lifelong visual impairment can be prevented.

With age-appropriate vision tests and painless examinations visual performance can be checked and a refractive errors can be detected. With checkups the ophthalmologist gives clarity and certainty.

Sehschule for children
Laser Surgery

In laser surgery, we use YAG laser and argon laser. A cataract surgery can cause a haze. With the YAG laser we open up the clouded lens skin. The procedure is painless.

One form of glaucoma can lead to a sudden increase in intraocular pressure. With the YAG laser, we are developing a small hole in the iris. Eyes water can circulate again and the pressure declines.

Diabetic retinal disease, retinal thrombosis and edema can be treated with the argon laser. The laser focus has a diameter of 0.1 to 0.5 mm and improves the oxygen supply to the retina.

Macular Diseases

Macular disease or macular degeneration are diseases of the eye retina. The most common form is age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Rarely are congenital or childhood macular generations. Smoking and high blood pressure are risk factors of AMD.

Potential Effects of AMD:

  • Decrease in visual acuity
  • Decrease the contrast feeling
  • Loss of color vision
  • Decrease in the ability to adapt to changing light conditions
  • Increase in glare sensitivity
  • central visual field defects
  • Dr. Bilal Ibrahim

    The eye disease that we do not find, nobody will find!

    Dr. Bilal Ibrahim Specialist in Ophthalmology
    Dr. Bilal Ibrahim
  • Dr. Raid Darawsha

    Your eyes, in the best of hands.

    Dr. med. Raid Darawsha Specialist in Ophthalmology
    Dr. med. Raid Darawsha
cataract surgery
IVOM interventions
Years of experience
Macular therapies

Our medical office team.

With us your eyes are in good hands

Ophthalmologist Eye Care.

Medical Team and Areas
Augenzentrum Alpha Augenzentrum Alpha Augenzentrum Alpha Augenzentrum Alpha Augenzentrum Alpha Augenzentrum Alpha Augenzentrum Alpha Augenzentrum Alpha Augenzentrum Alpha
Photo: arte logo GmbH


The correct behavior in case of an emergency

When it comes to violations of the eye by foreign bodies or even chemical burns with acids, alkalis or adhesives, quick action is required.

Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands e.V. (BVA) Professional Association of German Ophthalmologists

Burns of the eye with acids, alkalis or adhesives are everyday accidents - and the most common eye injuries that lead to blindness. But what to do if it happens one yourself?

  • Purge the eye immediately with clean water. The person should lie down if possible.
  • While purging open the eye with your fingers, pour the water from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye from about ten centimeters away.
  • Consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

Please bring the bottle, the adhesive or whatever burnd your eye to your eye doctor, so that he can assess the hazards of corrosive pollutants.

Foreign body in the eye
Foreign body in the eye may cause irritation of the conjunctiva in the area of the eyelids. In most cases, they are by the smallest foreign body, such as dust particles, insects or carbon black. Rarely it is caused by glass or metal splinters.

  • Do not rub!
  • Basically, you do not want to remove debris from lay helpers.
  • Cover the affected eye with a sterile wound dressing if necessary.
  • Accompanying the patient to the eye doctor to remove the foreign body as soon as possible.

Medical prevention.

Detect vision problems in time

Recognize symptoms

Vision disorders restrict your cognitive ability. Who is not in time, significantly loses quality of life. Take symptoms seriously. Consult your ophthalmologist. In case of the following symptoms act right away. Give us a call:

  • Flashes within visual field
  • restricted visual field
  • frequent fatigue
  • diplopia / double vision
  • Eye opacities, run like rain from top to bottom
  • sudden onset of strabismus
  • distorted vision
  • frequent headaches and dizziness

Your ophthalmologist recommends:

Prevention of amblyopia for babies and toddlers

For early diagnosis of strabismus and hyperopia with 31-42 months in all children, with 6 months at an increased risk eg. by pre-existing conditions in the family.

Glaucoma screening

Take advantage of the early glaucoma screening to prevent avoidable sight loss. Keep in mind that the risk of developing a glaucoma increases with age.

  • from the age of 40
  • from the age of 30 for dark-skinned patients
  • for each patient with 1st degree relatives who suffer from glaucoma
Retinal checkup

Annual screening of eye retina for the prevention of retinal detachment for myopic (from 3 diopters) of all ages.

AMD early 60

AMD early detection screening to prevent insidious decrease in visual acuity. The risk of AMD increases with age. Recommended AMD screening examination from age 60.

Eye checkup on driving licenses

Ophthalmologist check for road users to avoid dangerous situations on a regular basis from the age of 40

Prevention for diabetics

For early detection and treatment of diabetes-related eye diseases. Diabetics should at least annually see their ophthalmologist for preventive check-ups. In case of a present eye disease, we recommend half or quarterly examinations.

Sehschule for children


To probe the causes.

Non-Invasive Diagnostic

Instrumental diagnostics

We use the most modern equipment for medical diagnosis in eyes. The vast majority of diagnostic methods are non-invasive, is painless and takes only a few minutes.

As one of propably the first Ophthalmologists in Germany we use the all new optical coherence tomography (OCT2) for examining the macula and the optic nerve, the computerized corneal topography to examine the cornea, anterior segment tomography with OCULUS® Pentacam® for sectional images of the eye, tonometry for the determination of intraocular pressure, fluorescence angiography to determine the blood circulation of the eye fundus and HRT and GDx for diagnosing glaucoma

  • Non-Invasive
  • Duration: minutes
Photo: Heidelberg Engineering GmbH
Photo: OCULUS Optikgeräte GmbH

Therapy and treatment.

Surgical and medication therapies

Laser treatment

Surgical Therapy, Refractive Therapy

Laser treatment allows a very gentle removal of histoid. Laser treatment may be used with the following eye diseases:

  • Photodynamic Therapy
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Retinal Perforations
  • Vascular occlusions of the retina
  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Retinopathy of prematurity
  • Refractive Surgery

Dr. Bilal Ibrahim talking to a patient about pros and cons of laser treatment.

Dry eye syndrome

Medication treatment

The „dry eye“ is a complex disease. For a successful therapy close monitoring of the effects of the administered medication is required. In the treatment of „dry eye“ artificial tears play a major role. Painful symptoms of „dry eye“ can be alleviated by artificial wetting. Regular Lidhygiene is indicated.

  • Anti-inflammatory eyedrops
  • Liposomal eye spray
  • Immunomodulatory eyedrops


about 1h ride from Frankfurt International Airport

Augenzentrum Alpha

Dres. Bilal Ibrahim und Raid Darawsha
Marktplatz 23
36341 Lauterbach

Telephone: +49 . 6641 . 7744
Telefax: +49 . 6641 . 7742